31 July 2017

Passchendaele 1917 Centenary Cover

The centenary of the First World War Battle of Passchendaele in 1917, is being commemorated today throughout Belgium, Great Britain, Canada and elsewhere in the Commonwealth. 

The Prince of Wales said in his memorial speech at Tyne Cot Cemetery near Ypres in Belgium, "We remember it not only for the rain that fell, the mud that weighed down the living and swallowed the dead, but also for the courage and bravery of the men who fought here.”

In this spirit of commemoration the CILP has released a very limited number of commemorative covers and commemorative postcards. Both feature our 1914 B.E.F. commemorative stamp with a special hand-struck cachet.

Both issues will be available from August 2nd for purchase through Alpha Thematics on eBid UK (subject to availability).

© 2017 CILP

© 2017 CILP

16 July 2017

New Issues for 2017

Local Post stamp collectors will be pleased to hear of the imminent release of several new single stamps and multiple stamp sets for the second half of 2017.

Final designs have been submitted to our printers and release dates have now been set for August, September, October and November 2017. In total ten new stamps will be released in 2017 within our planned issue programme:

21st August: The first stamp set of 2017 is part of a four set series covering "Endangered Fauna and Flora of Canvey Island", starting with a four stamp featuring Insects to be issued on 21 August, 2017.  Future stamp sets will feature Rare Orchids, Birds and Wildlife.

4th September: Due to increasing interest in CILP stamps from overseas, a vintage postcard scene featuring seaplanes will be released as our first Air Mail 'Priority' stamp. Release date has been set for 4 September, 2017.

23rd October: A four stamp set featuring Famous Public Houses of Canvey Island which  have been been central to island community life, will be released on 14 October, 2017. (The original release date was 14th October but was re-scheduled for technical reasons).

27th November: To round off the postal year, we have secured an original Christmas drawing from cartoonist Paul Munro to adorn an Xmas 2017 reduced rate seasonal stamp. This will be available from 27 November, 2017.

Thank you for your support and please visit us again soon. Happy collecting!

Canvey Island Local Post