7 September 2022

Autumn Pondering: Stamp Issues for 2023?


As the summer heatwave wains and the rain returns to green-up faded grass and thirsty gardens, my thoughts are pondering philately for the colder months, and ultimately new Canvey Island Local Post stamp issues for 2023.

The second half of this year has seen a downturn in the sales of CILP stamps. We appear not to be alone. With a few exceptions, the production of stamp issues from many local posts around the world has declined. More seriously in the current economic and political climate, a significant number of local posts have ceased operating for the present or disappeared altogether.

Having said that, local posts and cinderella stamp collecting is an expanding field of alternative philately. If you are interested in the history of local posts and current local posts, or wish to explore, collect, or even produce stamps for your own local post, visit the Local Post Collector's Society or visit their group on Facebook.

With less money in collector's pockets and stamp production costs increasing, it is understandable some adjustment was inevitable, but I'm sure this is temporary. With this in mind the CILP has decided to streamline costs and shorten our stamp issue production runs for 2023, whilst maintaining the frequency of issues.

We now need to plan our future stamp issue schedule and decide what subjects to celebrate, commemorate, or depict on CILP stamps for 2023. This is where your opinion would be appreciated.

Email us at Stamps2023 listing your top three suggestions for subjects to appear on our stamps. 
