Have You Got Yours?
On 1st April 2018, we released a very limited overprint of our 2010 RAF Hurricane stamp to celebrate the centenary of the formation of the Royal Air Force.
Only 22 copies of the 2010 'Salute to the Few' Hurricane issue were overprinted in red 'RAF 1918-2018', and sold through Alpha Thematics on eBid UK.
Some of our regular collectors only buy outstanding CILP issues once or twice a year. If you still have a gap in your collection where the RAF Centenary overprint should be, get yours quickly!
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Low Stock and High Demand
CILP stock of this stamp is now below 6 copies and Alpha Thematics have been forced to restrict sales to one stamp per transaction and modestly increase its price to better reflect the market for this item. This is to ensure a fair distribution to our regular collectors and to reduce the speculation of at least two multiple buyers of this and other issues recently.
Record Price on eBay Italy
On 27 August 2018, an auction of an RAF Centenary overprint on eBay Italy, was sold for the silly price of £20.99 (23.45 euros). This is a record price as far as we know and there were no shortage of bids for the item!
If only the buyer and bidders had searched the Internet for CILP, the buyer could have saved themselves a fortune and bidders could have got an inexpensive copy for their collection!
Value for Money
We are not against others making money from our products, but we are not in the game of maximising profit at the expense of our hard won collectors.
CILP produces faux postage at a sensible price that meets our production expenses. This enables us to continue to produce varied and interesting cinderella stamps and help support this website.
We appreciate our regular and occasional collectors and look forward to serving you all for a long time to come!