About: Canvey Island Local Post

The Canvey Island Local Post

The Canvey Island Local Post (CILP) is a private non-commercial local post or mail 'service' operating on Canvey Island, Essex, England.

It is dedicated to the promotion of cinderella stamps, postcard collecting, modern Local Posts (philopoly) and the history and development of Canvey Island, Essex, England.

The CILP produces unique and highly collectable limited edition faux or cinderella stamps, postcards and covers commemorating the history, landmarks and wildlife of Canvey Island and the surrounding region.

What is a Local Post?

A 'local post' is a mail service that operates only within a limited geographical area. Historically, many local posts have been operated by governments and commercial companies.

Today, many stamp collectors or Local Posters (philopolists) issue their own postage "stamps" for other collectors to collect or just for the creative challenge and fun.
Most local posts do not actually carry any mail but some transport letters over a short distance by arrangement and for family and friends. The Canvey Island Local Post falls into this category.

Canvey Local Post stamps are affixed to all mail despatched from its main office and 'walked' (Standard service) or 'bicycled' (Express Service) to local Royal Mail post offices or mail boxes on the island for onward delivery to the mainland and beyond.

Where is Canvey Island?

Canvey Island is located in the River Thames Estuary, England, approximately 35 miles from London as the crow flies.

The Island has a rich history dating back before the Romans and has been closely involved in the trading and maritime life of the River Thames and the historical story of the county of Essex and development of London.

16th Century Norden map Canvey Island
1594 Norden map showing Canvey (centre)

For a brief history of Canvey Island visit Wikipedia for Canvey Island. For more detailed in depth information, Islander anecdotes, local history and much more, we recommend the outstanding Canvey Island Community Archive.